209 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Overall Stats
Ranking Score 1158
H Rating 45%
Win Ratio 12.5% (3/24 games)
Players Played 208
Players Eliminated 9
Average game size 9.7
Last Game Played 20th Jan 2014 12:11
Game Win Ratios
4 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
5 Player Games 66.7% (2/3 games)
6 Player Games 0.0% (0/2 games)
8 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
9 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
10 Player Games 25.0% (1/4 games)
11 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
12 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
15 Player Games 0.0% (0/1 games)
16 Player Games 0.0% (0/3 games)
Board Name Ranking Score Points H Rating Played Won Win Ratio Last Played
Atomic Transporters 982 1 0 0.0% 2013-02-20 23:25
Civil War 990 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-06 10:49
Colossal Crusade 992 1 0 0.0% 2014-01-20 12:11
Doom's Crescent Isle 981 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-30 10:16
Doom's Myths and Legends 967 2 0 0.0% 2013-01-10 09:02
Earth Reversed 986 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-02 21:14
Fall of Rome 967 2 0 0.0% 2013-02-07 12:35
Fantastica 967 2 0 0.0% 2013-02-25 02:23
Game of Hordes! 983 1 0 0.0% 2012-12-03 16:32
GearStorm 985 1 0 0.0% 2013-01-22 12:41
Prion 4 980 1 0 0.0% 2013-04-06 06:06
WarGear 2210 1327 100% 3 3 100.0% 2013-03-29 16:14
WarGear Warfare 952 4 0 0.0% 2013-01-22 13:32
World War 944 3 0 0.0% 2013-02-06 02:28